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Mists & Unique Abilities

Every Selvageist has it's own unique mist that it 'breathes' out. Selvageist use their Mist for protective, shrouding, and aesthetic purposes, and they can be any texture or "thickness" (from a light mist to a dense fog).


Typically the color and nature of a Selvageist's Mist matches their eye color and corresponds with their Unique Ability/Lore. However, this isn't necessarily always the case.


Unique Ability

Along with their Mists, every Selvageist also has it's own Unique Ability, or power. They use these abilities to aid them in their life and in guarding their territories.


Avaliable Unique Abilities & their rarities are as follows:

  • Plant Growth/Control (COMMON)

  • Elemental Based Powers (COMMON)
      Fire, water, earth, or air control. Selvegeist with       this power surround themselves with it, and thus     have no Mist.

  • Psychic Abilities/Telekinesis (UNCOMMON)

  • Weather/Temperature Control (RARE)
      Short range, only controls weather/temperature       within their territory

  • Teleportation/Time Travel (RARE)
      Can only teleport to visible location. Time travel is     short range; between a few hours and a few years,   depending on experience.

  • Shapeshifting (LEGENDARY)

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